Saturday, July 14, 2007

Back on (the wrong?) Track

I'm making slow and steady progress on working my personal issues out, leading to a return to good health. I'm eating like an irresponsible teen with cash in the meantime, gobbling down premium imported candy bars and drinking down the caffeine like a fish.

But at least there's a method to this madness -- eating helps distract from the emotional noise within. In the past, I'd've been oblivious to the reasons for the constant cravings, the need for food. Now tho' -- I kind of get it, so I'm trying to use it, to use it to help balance out the rest of my life while I'm delving so fully into my dark side. So take heed - when I want it, don't stand between me and my chocolate craving!! Or you might be dealing with crying/stressed/psycho Pup later.

Blogged from a Metrobus. =)

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