Saturday, May 1, 2010

Return of Pup and Wholeness

Disclaimer: As I type this, I am ever so slightly inebriated on a single shot of Virginia Gentlement (sipped slowly) and watching the White House Correspondents Dinner. But I committed to updating this blog before I knew the dinner was on... but now I know it's on, I have to watch it. ;)

As you may have guessed, for the past 3 months, I've guzzled sugar like there's no tommorrow. But I'm through with that now. Done. Through. Sowed my wild sugar-eating oats for the last time. DONE.

Yes, I'm sure!

No really, I'm done.

There are no longer any reasons for me to eat sugar. None at all. I was dealing with a lot of stress and the sugar definitely helped me, in that I needed to let the shoe drop in some area of my life. That one, I could control the damage done.

But I didn't really have control. Because despite all I've read, watched, been told, been taught, and studied, I could still find holes in the arguments against sugar that I could use to justify eating it. I could *still* find a way.

Fortunately, thanks to Dr. Lustig at UC Berkeley, that hole is closed forever! His lecture Sugar: The Bitter Truth has definitively filled in all the blanks and taught me that sugar is, in fact, a poison in the same sense that alcohol is a poison, that heroine is a poison, that formaldahyde is a poison. More importantly, as a celiac: Sugar is a poison in my system as gluten is a poison. Sugar and gluten are both poisons!!!!

Giving up gluten was relatively easy for me. Finally knowing what caused the IBS, the pains, my hernia, and multiple other symptoms made it unpalatable. Admittedly, I do well love the taste of a good slice of freshly baked bread. But given the memory of my bodily torments, I have zero desire to eat one. The thought of the gas and the pain makes the choice to not eat it a no-brainer.

Sugar now occupies the same status in my brain: Given the choice, leaving it on the table is a No-Brainer. Sugar quite literally makes my arteries harden the way meat carmelizes on the grill, why would I want to eat that?! Ew! Ugh! Get it away!

One-hundred and fifty calories of sugar, as it come in a single can of soda, has the same effect on my body as 150 calories of beer (as Dr. Lustig puts it-> ) "without the buzz" -- the same amount of fat metabolizes from soda as beer. Beer-gut is now Soda-gut. I know better than to drink beer everyday, why would I drink soda? Gross!!!

So sugar *might* make me diabetic. It *might* give me hormonal mood swings. But is *is* poison. Yeah yeah I know one of you that's probably going to start debating the pros and cons of fructose v. glucose. To that I say: Read Connie Bennett, Perricone, Clower, Enig, Fallon, Schwartzbein and yes, even Suzanne Somers. They take different roads to get there yet all arrive at the same conclusions. All sugars, including those metabolized from processed foods/flours, are far more negative for the body than good. In fact, one can cut out all refined carbs and continue to get their complete nutrition. The vast majority of the human race had no access to refined carbs prior to WWII.

So yeah, back to my point: No more sugar for me!

Next Post: When It Comes to Major Lifestyle Change, Leave Perfectionism In the Past

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