Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Help for a Nose-Rubbed-Red: Aloe Vera Gel

'Aloe  Vera' photo (c) 2007, Tess Watson - license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/I have a really, really bad cold.  The kind that makes you sneeze in great fits. The kind that forces you to rub your nose, and the skin just below it, every 30 seconds. The kind that makes your top lip puff and sting from the constant irritation of tissue-contact.

A pediatrician of my daughter's swears by olive oil rubbed under the nose. Coconut oil isn't bad. I, however, vastly prefer aloe-vera gel. Dabbed on my face 50 times a day, it makes the sensitive, dry, irritated area above my lips appear practically normal. I can go out in public without being red-faced -- well, at least not from rubbing my nose, anyway. The teary, watery eyes? Well, that's what sunglasses are for, of course!

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