Monday, February 1, 2010

Making Cowboy Chili Sugar-Free

I'm a big fan of the gluten-free crockpot recipes of Stephanie O'Dea. The ones I can eat, anyway!

A great go-to recipe is her Cowboy Chili. I often make it with ground turkey and great northern beans. But I found myself with a conundrum when it came to the Worchestershire sauce. It contains.... corn syrup, ugh! I remember when I first made this recipe I would SCD-it by subbing extra vinegar, cloves, and honey for the sauce. But what to do without honey?

Well, my new tweaks aren't perfect yet, but subbing a small can of tomato paste (organic, no sugar added) fit the bill. It was yum. Granted, tomato paste is a processed food, but it's a preferrable substitute for all the chemicals in the Sauce of Worchestershire.

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