Thursday, May 13, 2010

Musings on Sugar-free PMS-ing

OK, so yeah, this may be TMI for some of you out there. But I have a good reason for blogging about it: Approximately 50% of the adult population goes through it. We can only help each other learn to be sugar-free if we talk about such things.

That said, over the past few days I've been experiencing some intense PMS. The food you eat really does make a BIG difference when it comes to womanly symptoms. I am fully aware that two new prescriptions I am on are making the monthly rigamarole much more annoying than usual, especially given my super-healthy diet!

I can only imagine how bad it would be were I not avoiding sugar, lactose, gluten, and processed foods. Oooh wait, I remember those days.

Attacks of PMS, for me, can include snarkiness, random bouts of anger and frustration, tons of self-pity, bloating, cramps that never seem to get crazy bad nor go away, acne, and INTENSE SUGAR CRAVINGS.

During this time I crave sugar in all its forms: white crystals baked into sweet things, white carbs and starches, honey drizzled on everything. But I have closed that door for myself and refuse to go there. So... what now? I'm STARVING and CRANKY and I WANT POTATOES AND ICE CREAM and WTH am I gonna do now?

PMS-Craving-Strategy No. 1:
  • Eat LOTS of Cruciferous Foods!
The reason for this is simple: Fiber fills you up. Green leafies have LOTS of fiber. They make you feel comfy-full. Bonus: Green leafies are chock full of iron, which you're about to spend the next few days losing. Eat 'em up and watch anemia become a concern of your past.

PMS-Craving-Strategy No. 2:
  • Stock Up on healthy Starches and Starch-Substitutes!
Huge batches of cauliflower, brown rice, millet, quinoa and similar grains or starchy veggies cooked up in your favorite ways. Then, allow yourself to INDULGE. Want a huge bowl of ice cream after dinner? Get a second and third helping of coconut rice instead! It satisfies the Need to Feed without adding anything remotely bad to your body.

PMS-Craving-Strategy No. 3:
  • Make Dinnertime Easy!
Don't plan to make your favorite wild-rice salad or any kind of casserole that takes 3 hours and 50 steps. Also avoid dishes that will mess up a lot of.... dishes. You're crabby, you want some damn privacy, you do NOT want to spend hours working in the kitchen! Bonus: More reasons to make huge batches of filling whole grains and healthy starches. Easy peasy pleasy!

PMS-Craving-Strategy No. 4:
  • Keep fruit smoothy fixings handy!
Some days, and some nights, you just gotta have some ice cream or your body will simply *burst* with PMS-y anxiety. Throw some fruit, yogurt, banana, whatever you want in the blender or food processor, and enjoy! Then chuck the machine in the sink (motor excepted), rinse, and leave it for later.

You have PMS, dammit. Enjoy your friggin' ice cream.


Mad Doc Mim said...

I'm a fan of very dark chocolate (85%) and natural peanut butter during PMS/other stressful times, especially since the starch thing, even the good ones, can screw my poor IR body up.

Also, I made little tiny pieces of pear in my dehydrator and they are just like candy! I can't wait to try it with field strawberries!

C said...

You have such issues with starches, that sucks! I don't eat the reall starchy things - I keep white potatoes to a minimum, all other potatoes only a couple times a month at most, etc. How about cauliflower, does that give you probs? Or brown rice? =\

Peanut butter is GREAT because I get sick of it after a day or so LOL! I love Artisana's Cacao Bliss because it's pure cocoa and coconut... and it's SO rich and filling I get sick of it quickly. Kills any big chocolate itch!

Mad Doc Mim said...

I can eat starches, but I have to pair them with protein or my blood sugars refuse to adjust. Low-carb/low-GI living for me. I can't just eat coconut rice, especially not multiple helpings, 1/2 cup starch/grain with dinner max. Almost no other starches, even fruit I have to pair with protein/fat. Cauliflower is fine, but hard to make a treat out of, however during fall butternut squash is a lower-carb favorite. I'm planning to dehydrate some yams and maybe rutabagas and celeriac to see if they make sweet-ish chips I can munch on.

I wish I got sick of peanut butter, I can take it down, and the cals are a little high, but usually I watch myself. Lately my chocolate has been lindt 85% bars and Endangered species bars, from 72-82%, and I only eat little pieces because it's so rich (and pricey).