Friday, October 17, 2008

While Miscarriage Does Not Improve Fertilify, Chances of Multiple Miscarriages are Low

Loss of a pregnancy comes with a unique brand of pain. When I miscarried, I was told by more than a few older friends that they got pregnant almost immediately after miscarriage. Several had children within two years. Because of these happenings, many of them told me that I could expect to be more fertile in coming months.

The New York Times
reports that researchers have debunked this myth -- However, they do assert that a high percentage of women have children within 24 months of miscarriage. Rather than higher levels of fertility, researchers point to low proabilities of repeat for some common causes of miscarriage.

For those who are have tried and failed, the lesson is clear: Keep trying! You are far more likely than not to have a child in the relatively near future. =)

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