Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) Should Be on the Next President's Agenda

Michael Pollan has eloquently written everything I've been trying to say about America's food economy in one qualified and quantified letter to the next President, our Farmer in Chief.

He speaks about everything -- everything that is wrong with the current agricultural economy in America. He discusses the proliferation of soy and corn to produce "foods" wholly lacking in nutrition. He rails against the same proliferation, accomplished via modern farming techniques, producing vast amounts of pollution and depleted farmland. He speaks about cheap oil and its effect on farming methods and transportation. His ideas on agricultural policy are rational, reasonable, sound and therefore wholly abhorrent to modern farmers and consumers nationwide, because it will mean change and higher food prices.

But higher food prices are a small price to pay compared to the potential collapse of our economy and national security when our agricultural system fails - as it ultimately will. It is impossible to sustain the current agricultural economy. As more and more of our food is produced or processed overseas, we are losing control over what we are eating and what we are paying for it. Just like the housing boom, the Agricultural Bubble is about to burst. We may yet be able to head it off if the new President can implement some of the policy changes suggested by Pollan over the next four years.

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