Monday, February 6, 2012

My New Blog is on teh Interwebs

Friends, just a quick note to let you know that my new blog is up:

...Because We're All at the Center of Infinity

Yeah, Doug Williams doesn't
belong on this blog. Unless he's a
whole foods advocate or something!
It's not quite ready for prime time, but I was inspired to write about the Super Bowl, and well, who's gonna care about that a week from now? So I threw it up there, fodder for the wolves, but so it is. *sigh!*

"Center of Infinity" will not at all be replacing this blog. In fact, often the posts on the two blogs will complement each other. However, this blog will retain my core metaphysical, waaaaay too introspective writings, plus food or recipes, health, nutrition, exercise -- anything related to whole-body-wellness. I've already got several up-and-coming posts for this page in the works. I even carry a little book around in my purse now, just for jotting notes. Yes, me hearties, hoist the main sail and curse like a pirate! There is some serious writing ahead!

...My daughter is 2 1/2. The writing drought is over. Hurray!!!

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