Honey is, definitively, the best facial cleanser I have ever used.
Since my last post, I've been low on time, energy, funds, and high on common everyday nuisances (er, I mean, potentially-uplifting-challenges). I have lots of plans for discovering the best in Natural Beauty! ...but, I haven't finished carrying them out yet. What I have done is to continue where I left off.Which means that Honey is now my official facial cleanser. I use it nearly everytime I wash my face. I have cut back my consumption of facial moisturizer by 75%. My almost-empty bottle of organic facial wash? It's at about the same level it was two months ago, and it's great as a back-up for mascara removal. Otherwise... I've replaced it with my little baby jar full of honey.
(To read more about using honey as a face wash, see my last post.)
Actually, this weekend is the first time I've thought about the need to refill my little bottle. So little honey goes such a long way.

The Result:
- My skin is as soft as my toddler's.
- My partner has noticed the difference, "especially in your cheeks", where I have had a slight rash.
- I appear less tired and noticeably younger, even on days when I'm totally exhausted. Don't get me wrong - I still have baggy-eyed days, but fewer of them.
- My (powder-base) make-up lasts significantly longer.
- I look a heck of a lot better sans make-up -- great for those days like today, when I have a bad cold, and it's pointless to put it on anyway, what with all the sneezing and eyes-watering and etc.
I am really, truly impressed with the bounty of the bees. (Help save honey bees here!)
My so-simple-it's-silly routine:
- Brush my teeth.
- Rinse and spit. ;)
- Since I already have my hands wet, I splash my face. Feels good!
- Turn off the water. Grab the jar, twist off the lid, pour a bit into the palm of one hand, and close the jar. I've now mastered the art of doing this without any drips to make the glass or lid sticky. It's not difficult, just up to each person to figure out their method. (Alternately, I do a little baking soda scrub, rinse my face, and then open the honey jar.)
- Slather the honey all over my entire face. (I still avoid my eyes, but if they really need it, I'll do a second quick-cleanse over my eyes with honey so that I can rinse it off quickly - more quickly than I rinse my entire face.)
- Rub it in a bit while it's wet and slippery.
- Rinse! As long as you remember to wet your face first, honey rinses surprisingly quickly and cleanly.
- Gently pat my face dry with a towel.
- If you have a small sink (like mine) and counter-splash is unavoidable, grab an old washcloth and wipe down the counter. Otherwise a slightly sticky layer of honey will be left when the counter drys. Less sticky than you might think, but sticky enough to feel.
- About 12 hours later: Repeat.
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