Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Small Steps Lead to Big Decisions, Big Transitions: Considering the Ministry

I want to let the world know: I am seriously considering becoming a Unity minister.

In my imagination, that statement leaves people wondering "Huh?" and "Where did that come from?" because the way I've been leading my life for the past several years seems so out of alignment with that goal. Those of you who've witnessed certain aspects of my character might not be surprised. However, people who've only known me for the last few years might find it rather out-of-the-blue, because I've not been expressing all the various sides of myself for some time now.

Over the last several months, I've been doing some exercises and meditations to help me clear up my issues around who-I-am and what-I-want-to-be. I'll talk more about why I need to do that in another post. In this work, I have been exploring and recognizing the characteristics, traits, experiences, talents, and desires that make me a unique individual -- the very unique individual that I am meant to be, that I am meant to embody in this Universe and in this form.  It is a liberating process. Despite years of self-study, I've never approached the question of "Who am I?" quite as I am now. My very first webpage was about self-discovery -- about what's at the very core of us -- and 18 years later, I'm still a novice on the journey!

That webpage was a significant example of what-it-is-to-be-me. It still is. It shows that I have always been, and will always be, a transcendental/spiritual philosopher. When I was a child, I wanted to be a Philosopher when I grew up. I wanted to think about life and meaning and purpose and our souls and I wanted to do it for a living! But I couldn't think of a way to make money at it. Plus, I was, and am, bored to death by traditional, heady, stuffy, over-intellectualized philosophy. It ignored so much information I could feel flowing in from my Spirit, and as I know now, from my very Body itself.

Other supporting traits for the idea of being a minister have surfaced of late. I was always a great listener and amateur counselor to my friends. I love public speaking (I expect that would surprise some people I know! I won an award in college for public speaking. First place.) I love to share about myself with others, not so much because I want you to validate my opinion -- but because I always believe that somewhere, sometime, someone will read something I've written and realize something positive about themselves. Perhaps that they are not alone. Or maybe they will think about their own Spirits in a new Light. That is what drives me to blog, to write online articles, and to use Facebook -- although admittedly, Facebook is where my vanity likes to play!

 I have so much more to explore and share on this topic, but my writing time is at an end. Suffice it to say that I plan to use this blog as a forum to share my journey. I have decided to actively work toward eventual Ordination, and see if the Universe aids me or stops me, or perhaps, sends me in a different direction altogether. I'll keep this page up to date as to my progress, and share with you all much of what I learn about life along the way.

 To Your Best Self!

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